The Seasonal Garden Bouquet


The Garden Bouquet is a cornucopia of scented flowers and foliage, carefully chosen and picked because they are the best on the croft at the time. Arranged into a hand tied bouquet, wrapped in paper, tissue and tied with raffia and finished with a gift card and an envelope, all fully compostable. Perfect as a gift for someone special.

Add a beautiful glass vase to complete your gift, The flowers are not presented in plastic water bags/aquapac so if your gift is to be delivered please ask your recipient to leave out a container of water on their doorstep for the bouquets.

Available April – September, dependent on weather.

Also available by subscription for a regular supply of fresh fragrant flowers.

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For local delivery: order by Monday for delivery on Friday.

For click and collect: order by Monday for collection on Friday or order by Thursday for collection on Monday.

You can also purchase our flowers at The Selkie Collective in Broadford and Armadale Stores in Armadale, close to the ferry.

Your flowers have been grown, freshly cut and carefully arranged to reach you in the best condition. All they need is a spotlessly clean vase and fresh cool water.

Remove all packaging, it is fully compostable and recyclable. You can keep the ties on a handtied bouquet to keep its shape.

Cut a centimetre or two off the bottom of the stems at an angle with sharp scissors and place immediately into fresh water.
Your flowers will last much longer if you keep them cool, away from draughts, sunny window sills or radiators.

Because your flowers have not been chilled or treated, they will continue to develop and grow in the vase, they may also take up more water than treated flowers, so check water levels daily. Change the water and snip the stems every couple of days. Remove any faded blooms to allow the others to grow.

I grow these flowers for you to enjoy and I am sure you will love the colour, scent and the way the blooms change over the days, but if for any reason you do experience a problem with your flowers, please, please do get in touch. I would hate you to be disappointed.

Contact me

Note: It seems there maybe a technical issue with the form at the moment. If you do not get a response within a few hours, contact me direct at:

Please drop me a note if you can not get through to me on the phone (poor mobile reception on the flower field) and my voicemail is unreliable.  Look forward to hearing from you.



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